Some SPL-related ROS 2 packages for the Nao robot have been renamed, and API changes. The old packages have been deprecated in ROS 2 Rolling, and will be removed in future ROS 2 distributions. Please migrate your code to the new packages.
Packages from nao_interfaces are now deprecated, this includes nao_command_msgs and nao_sensor_msgs. These packages have been moved to the Nao Lola repo, and have been renamed to nao_lola_command_msgs and nao_lola_sensor_msgs.
Additionally, in Nao Lola:
- nao_lola package has been renamed to nao_lola_client.
- nao_lola_conversion package was added, and will contain a node that converts nao-specific messages to/from commonly used ROS msgs.
The migration was done to reduce number of repositories, and to prevent potential clash of the use of “nao_interfaces”, with official ROS 2 nao interface packages.
Happy developing!